
interstellarWhen Inception came out, there was a headline that said something like “Christopher Nolan has done the impossible: taken $160 million dollars and made a good movie with it.” Now, pairing that with Interstellar, I’m completely on board with anything Mr. Nolan chooses to do in the future, with a budget or without. You could argue that I should have already been on board, but whatever. I’ve only seen about half his movies, and don’t remember the non-Inception ones well. I think that Interstellar and Inception together might be the best one-two punch of smart, interesting blockbusters from any director. Continue reading

This Week in the Box: A Unsurprising Programming Note

So! You may have noticed that there hasn’t been a post in, oh, a couple months on this project. While I’ve seen another handful more movies than have been posted about, I’m still woefully behind. The best laid plans of mice and men, etc.

That said, I’m not abandoning the project, because I’m far too stubborn for that. The plan as it currently stands is to not bother with the rest of this year, officially, and start up again with the first week of next year, and again trying for the perfect average of one movie a week. Therefore, you can expect the post for Dirty Harry to appear in the first week of January, A Clockwork Orange in the second week, etc. I did okay for half a year, all I need is another half a year and the project will officially be complete!


nightcrawlerThe Filmspotting podcast refers to a kind of movie they call one-timers. It might be great, but for whatever reason, seeing it once is all you can handle in your life. Nightcrawler is an excellent movie, extremely gripping and remarkably unique, and I never, ever want to see it again.

Jake Gyllenhaal–too skinny, with frighteningly bugged-out eyes and an unnerving amount of eye contact–plays Lou Bloom, a character I’m completely comfortable already calling one of cinema’s great weirdos. His ethics start out broken in a standard way- the opening scene of the movie is him cutting chain link fence to sell for scrap. But it gets way more twisted and unpleasant from there. Stumbling on to the profession by accident, Lou discovers a certain knack for what the movie calls nightcrawling and what real life apparently calls stringing, that is, listening to a police scanner and driving to the scene of accidents and shootings and getting camera footage to sell to network news shows. Continue reading

The Wire Watchalong: Season 3, Episodes 5 and 6

thewireseason3Welcome to the Inanimate Blog watchalong for The Wire. Every week we’ll be watching two episodes and posting our thoughts. We’re not recapping each episode in detail; that’s what Wikipedia is for. This week is Season 3, Episodes 5 and 6.


Emily: We’re back! And so is Bubbles. Everything is better with Bubbles around.

Sam: It is! I was so happy to have him back in my life. He had some particularly great lines to start this episode. I, for one, am going to accuse people of “equivocating like a motherfucker” all the time now. Also, when he agrees to do the short con with the guy on the ladder, he says something like “With a white man, I better be the bad guy. Wouldn’t want to confuse him.” Continue reading

Why Can’t I Stop Watching Sons of Anarchy?

sons-of-anarchy-3This post contains mild spoilers up to and including the most recently-aired episode of Sons of Anarchy. If you do not wish to be spoiled, do not read beyond this point. You should keep reading though because maybe you’ll be able to save yourself from watching the last season of SoA even though I can’t.

I’m mad as hell and I’m going to take it for about five more episodes.
Continue reading